
Ebun – junior apprentice

Junior Apprentice has in a sentence changed my life. This organisation has improved and geared up skills in me that I had no idea existed before. From partaking in the process, I have learnt to be more confident in my self and decisions that I take in life. I have also learnt how to become a strong leader, as this is important, being the first of my two sisters. I have learnt how in life I must take everyone in the group along with me in reaching the vision we have in mind. I feel that a team is only as strong as its weakest link, and in winning Junior Apprentice I have to bring every single member of the team up with me in the decisions I as the leader take, as well as taking their worries and criticisms into consideration and making sure the situation/idea at hand is made in agreement. Junior Apprentice has changed my attitude to life, my school and my family. I’ve taken a much more positive and motivated attitude to my schoolwork, I feel as if I have something to prove to be a role model to those coming behind me and Junior Apprentice has given me this confidence.